Lacey Buchanan


Leading the Blind

On February 18th, 2011, our lives were changed forever when our son Christian Taylor Buchanan entered the world. He was born with a bilateral cleft palate and lip and almost completely blind. This blog is the story of his life, the joys we share, the challenges we encounter, and the amazing and trying journey ahead of our family!

My Theory on Society's Outlook on Disabilities: The Cookie Cutter Standard

I'm sure by now that anyone who follows this blog knows of my passion for spreading awareness of the differently abled and advocating for fair and equal treatment for those with disabilities. That passion has led me to a theory that I'm pretty proud that I thought up. :) So I wanted to share it with you guys in hopes that it might broaden your horizon's, or give those of you who are differently abled a place to point others to to open their world up just a little bit!  So here goes!

As a young girl, I remember fondly watching Disney princesses in all their allure: Snow White, Jasmine, Ariel, Cinderella. They all had a story of tragedy to triumph, and the kicker at the end was always that they got their handsome prince. I grew up in a world where that is what I was taught to do. Grow up and get my prince. I learned at a young age through observation that I had to go to school so that I could get a good job, so that I could support my children, who would inevitably be the product of my fairy tale marriage. And that was how my life was suppose to go: school, career, marriage, children. Those were the ultimate goals in life, That is just what is everyone did. That is why I went to 1st grade every day, because if I didn't, I wouldn't be able to follow that life pattern, and therefore I wouldn't be happy. 

Isn't that what society teaches us, men and women alike? We have to get the right education, go to the right college, get the perfect job, land the right career, marry the perfect person, have the perfect children, and then we live happily ever after, just like in the fairy tales. 

Isn't that what most of us do? I worked my butt off in high school, got involved in too many extracurriculars  took every honors course offered, graduated with a 3.6 GPA, 12th in my class, with a full ride to Middle Tennessee State University. And college was no different. I graduated with honors, Magna Cum Laude with a bachelors of science in pre-law and a minor in public administration, and an acceptance letter into the law school that I had hoped to get into. And here I am now, about to reach the half way mark of my law school career, and let me tell you, I have worked my butt off to stay in that game. 

But you see, when someone has a "disability," their life might not follow that "path" that just IS what everyone should do. Heck, isn't that why I mourned the loss of Christian's vision when I found out he was blind? I can remember Chris and I sitting and crying right after Christian was born as we discussed all the things he wouldn't do: He would never drive a car; He would never play high school football; School would be so hard for him; It would be harder for him to find a spouse because he would be considered a burden to a wife; everything would be harder for him. And so we mourned the loss of a "normal" life for our child. And anyone who has a child with a disability, if they're honest, can probably say that, at least to some degree, they have also mourned the loss of a "normal" life for their child. 

So here is the crux of my theory (and I'm gonna put it in bold so that my point gets made (: ): WHAT IF THAT THING WE CONSIDER THE 'NORMAL' LIFE, THE PERFECT LIFE, ISN'T CREATED FOR EVERYONE? WHAT IF GOD HAS BIGGER PLANS FOR SOME PEOPLE?

There it is. BAM! Did it hit you like it hit me? Because when it hit me, a smile came across my face, and I felt...proud, to think that God had chosen a different life for my son, that maybe He had bigger plans for Christian that "normal."

Now let me go ahead and say that there is nothing wrong with following that "normal" plan that I mentioned above. Heck, that's exactly what I did. And certainly I believe God has no small plans for anyone. I believe He has grand plans for all of His children, and that whatever form that may look like for each individual is perfect for them. 

But the more I thought about this theory that I came across, the more it made sense to me. What if Christian's disability wasn't really a "disability," but really more of a "divine conspiracy" of sorts? What if God created my Christian for a purpose so powerful and so wonderful and so great, that He knew that Christian could accomplish it without his vision? And what if God, when creating Christian, made him strong enough to be able to diverge from this "normal" path, and do it well, where most people, myself included, are not stronger enough.
Now, please don't take that to mean that I think God makes people disabled or that it is His will that some people suffer more than others, because I don't. I think God wants all of His children in perfect health, and that He doesn't afflict people with sickness or disease or disability. Does He allow it to happen? Obviously He does. But this isn't Heaven, and His perfect will is not always what happens here on earth, as we can see just by turning on the news.

So I guess i said all that to say this: There are those of us who follow that "normal" path, and we find it hard to comprehend what it'd be like to do anything else. The there are those of us who can't follow that normal/"

Fifty years from now, I won't remember the number of diapers I changed. I won't remember that feeling of desperately needing sleep or the frustration of trying to make you mind. I won't be able to count exactly how many trips we made to doctors visits and the emergency room. I won't care about how many times I got thrown ...

To Parents of Special Needs Children, This is For You

To all the parents out there who have children with disabilities or special needs, who endure stares and whispers, and ugly comments, who can't post pictures of their child on Facebook without strangers making rude comments about a child who lives every day with struggles that most people couldn't imagine and couldn't handle. This is for you. To anyone out there ...

Christian is turning 2!!!!

Christian's 1st Birthday Picture :)February 18th is a huge day for us! It is a day to dance and sing and cry and celebrate the birth of a miracle child, our miracle child! Christian came into the world on that day in 2011, and boy did he ever make an impact! The world will never be the same since his ...

My Experiences with Bullying

For anyone who follows us on Facebook, you have probably, at one time or another, seen someone make a rude or hateful comment on a photo I've posted of Christian. It has been happening pretty much since he was born. In fact, much of the reason that I decided to make the video that went viral was because of all ...

Messages Worth Sharing

Since our video has went viral, I have received thousands of messages about Christian through Facebook and e-mail. Some of them are funny, some are sweet, some make me burst out laughing, and some bring me to tears. Some of them are just worth sharing. I want to share the most amazing messages that I have received, and also, keep ...
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